first time car insurance for new drivers in a moment you’ll discover the single biggest mistake people make while shopping for car insurance for first-time new drivers and how exactly to get the cheapest auto insurance rate that is available to you the number one mistake made while shopping for car insurance is approaching only the companies that are most heavily
Advertised the first insurance company that comes to mind is not necessarily the one that will offer you the best rate the single most critical factor in getting a cheaper car insurance rate is shopping around for as many quotes as you can why because different insurance companies charge different rates for the same coverage in addition insurance companies competitiveness differ tremendously by customer location only
By obtaining several quotes that are specific to your situation and location you will be really able to discover the cheapest rate that is available to you how many quotes go for at least four quotes from different insurers less than that will not do the job now usually shopping around for for quotes can be a tedious and time-consuming task but we will make it here much easier for you in a moment we’ll reveal to you a little trick we use to weed out the more
Expensive insurers and discover exactly which is the cheapest auto insurance provider for your specific location here’s the information you need to get a car insurance quote for first-time car insurance for new drivers shopping for car insurance quotes can be a dull affair to speed up your shopping experience you’ll want to have the following information handy personal information of anyone on the policy drivers license date of birth address
Occupation marital status education level driving history an insurance record vehicle information required date of purchase registered vehicle owner if not you VIN vehicle vacation number this 17 digit code tracks the individual history of every vehicle if you can’t provide an exact VIN make sure you can at least provide the year make and model however you’ll eventually need the VIN to get car
Insurance while you don’t necessarily meet all of the above to get a quote providing comprehensive info will result in the most accurate quote possible presenting inaccurate information purposefully or otherwise will eventually come up in your quoting process and your rates will change accordingly what factors go into a car insurance quote car insurance rates reflect the risk you pose to your car insurance company in this scenario risk
Describes your likelihood of being involved in a collision while a number of aspects comprise your driving record the primary factors that influence premiums are your age driving history credit score vehicle type and location now as promised here is a simple trick we utilize to get the cheapest car insurance available to discover the cheapest car insurance rate that is available to us we use this free service toll-free at 844 mutti deist task of
Shopping around and present you with the cheapest auto insurance provider for your location we call this service every year before our car insurance expires it allows us to discover whether there is a cheaper car insurance rate than ours and has saved us lots of money over the years and best of all it’s completely free you thank you for watching please like this video